About Library
Library Timings
Library Collection
E-Resources : e-Journals, e-Books & other Databases
Print Journals
Library Infrastructure
Library Services, Rules & Regulations
Library Staff
The Library was started for erstwhile IPGSR (Institute of Post Graduate Studies & Research) on a spacious floor in the Academic block on the Main Campus of the JNT University at Masab Tank, Hyderabad. It was upgraded as the University Library in the year 1990. In 2004, the University Library was shifted to a new building of 45,000 Sq.ft area extended in 3 floors at Kukatpally Campus. The Library is centrally located in the campus keeping in view the accessibility to all the Units. The University Library caters to the needs of all JNTUH University Units and the Constituent Colleges.The University Library is a central facility supporting the teaching and research activities of the University.
The University Library facilitates Lending books, Reference Section, Document Delivery Service, Current Awareness Service, Selective Dissemination of Information(SDI), Database searching, CD writing, Reprographic facility, Conference Room facility, Online Information Services through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and Internet, access to e-journals, e-books, e-lectures and other multimedia content.
The University Central Library is fully automated using Integrated Library Management Software VTLS-VIRTUA in the year 2006. The library has also created a learning environment by establishing OPAC Searching Area, Internet browsing area, Laptop zone with Wi-Fi facility throughout the library and specialised workstations for students and research scholars and has facilitates access to electronic resources, search services / tools. The fully automated Library is equipped with two new IBM x3650 M4 Servers, NAS Box, and 70 Dell Desktops. The Library has a 20 MBPS dedicated leased line connectivity under NKN/NME-ICT Programme. All the systems are connected to the campus-wide LAN, thus enabling the users to access the online resources from their respective desktops. The University Library has access to OURIGINAL Anti-Plagiarism Detection tool (formerly URKUND) provided by Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre (https://secure.urkund.com/login/sign-in).
The Library has a collection of 93,441 books and subscribes to 187 print journals of National and International origin in the fields of Sciences and Technology. The Library has a perpetual access to 3533 e-books from Springer on Biomedical & Life Sciences, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Elsevier’s Engineering, Science & Technology, IEEE MIT Press and renowned publishers McGraw Hill Education, Taylor & Francis, Pearson Education, CBS etc. The Library is a member of various National level Consortia namely DELNET (Developing Library Network) and INFLIBNET’s e-ShodhSindhu Consortium. Through Consortia and subscriptions, the University Library provides IP Authenticated online access and Remote Access facility to 30,560+ e-journals and databases from IEEE’s IEL Online, ASCE, ASME, J-GATE, EBSCO Business Source Elite, Nature Pub. Group, SpringerLink, DELNET, Indian Citation Index etc. To provide access to the online resources during the pandemic period onwards, Remote Login support through RemoteXs cloud platform has been provided to all the Researchers, students and staff across all the JNTUH University College of Engineering campuses (https://jntuhlibrary.remotexs.in/).
The University Library holds 4091 copies of Ph.D. and M.Phil. theses submitted at JNTUH. With financial support through UGC and INFLIBNET Centre under Shodhganga, the National ETD Repository project, JNTUH University Library has established the ETD Lab in the year 2018 at the cost of Rs. 19.57 Lakhs (Rs. 15.36 Lakhs UGC-Inflibnet + Rs. 4.21 Lakhs JNTUH) and digitized 620 + Theses and Dissertations and uploaded into the Shodhganga repository. The lab is equipped with Dell Server & Desktop Computers, HP High end Scanner & Printer, etc. The users can access these full-texts of theses and dissertations in the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Lab and through the Shodhganga project website. Users can access nearly 1300+ Theses of JNTUH online on Shodhganga Theses Repository (https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/handle/10603/2163).
The University Library has established a Competitive Examinations Reference Library (CERL) on the 2nd floor of the library catering to user services exclusively to students preparing for Competitive Examinations like UPSC/Civil Services/ Group-I/ IES/ GATE/TOEFL/GRE/UGC-NET etc. with a separate books collection & magazines/periodicals. A separate Personal Books Reading Room facility is provided in the Ground Floor for the students to read their personal books and materials.
Keeping in view, the safety and security of the resources and readers, the Library has installed Surveillance system on all the three floors with 45 Nos. of IP cameras with 2 Nos. of LED TV's, Recorders having 4TB storage capacity for effective surveillance on all the important locations of the Library. The 3M EM (Electro-magnetic) Library Security System has been installed with Detection panel and Book check system for security of books from theft ensuring that no material leaves the Library without being properly issued /checked out. To prevent from fire hazards, fire extinguishers have been installed in the library in every floor.
Library Timings: University Library is open throughout the year except on General Public Holidays. |
(Monday to Saturday)
09:00 AM to 11:00 PM |
(Second Saturday & Sundays)
09:30 AM to 04:30 PM |
Circulation Timings (Book Issue & Return): |
Regular / Part time (PTPG) (Monday to Saturday) |
09:30 AM to 10:00PM |
UG/PG/RS/PTPG (Second Saturday & Sundays) |
10:00AM to 04:00 PM |
1 |
Print Books |
Total Library Collection |
93,441 |
No. of Volumes procured |
81,634 |
No. of CERL Books |
3,500 |
SC Integrated Book Bank |
2,183 |
ST Integrated Book Bank |
1,487 |
Donated Books |
8,137 |
2 |
Print Journals |
Total Print Journals subscribed |
187 |
Indian |
149 |
Foriegn |
38 |
Back Volumes of Journals |
5143 |
3 |
Thesis & Dissertations |
Ph.D |
4,091 |
M.Phil |
140 |
4 |
e-Resources |
e-Journals |
30,560+ |
e-Databases |
5 |
e-Books (perpetual access) |
3,533 |
Access to e-resources is available online in the campus premises (Campus IPs only) & Remote / Off-campus access to e-resources is available via REMOTEXS platform |
1 |
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) |
http://ascelibrary.org/journals/all_journal_titles |
36 e-Journals + Backfile access from 1983 |
2 |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) |
http://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/ |
33 e-Journals +Back file Access since 2000 |
3 |
IEEE Xplore Digital Library |
http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp |
177 IEEE journals, magazines, & transactions+26 IET journals & magazines +20+ IET conference titles +1400 Proceedings |
4 |
EBSCO- Management: Business Source Elite |
http://search.ebscohost.com/ |
1110+ full-text e-Journals & magazines (7222 e-Journals indexed and abstracted) |
5 |
Nature Pub. Group |
http://www.nature.com |
Nature Biotechnology + Scientific American + Nature Reviews Drug Discovery |
6 |
J-Gate Science & Technology |
http://www.jgateplus.com |
34,600 Indexed+ 18,800 free full text + Backfile till 2001 |
7 |
J-Gate Social Science & Humanities |
http://www.jgateplus.com |
18,500 indexed + 8,400 free full text + Backfile till 2001 |
8 |
Springer Link and Nature Journal |
https://link.springer.com/ |
1700+ Journals collection. Archival from 1997 onwards. (Funded by INFLIBNET's e-Shodhsindhu Consortium) |
9 |
Indian Citation Index |
http://www.indiancitationindex.com |
Citation database covering 1000+ Indian knowledge contents of journals published in India |
10 |
DELNET - Developing Library Network | or
Database of 35,00,000+ books for loan, 1,00,000+ list of journals, 5000+ full-text journals, 1,00,000+ Thesis/Dissertations from member libraries |
11 |
J-Gate Custom Content for Consortium (JCCC ) |
http://jgateplus.com/ |
Database providing facility to e-mail request for articles to ILL Centers or to INFLIBNET Centre (Funded by INFLIBNET's e-Shodhsindhu Consortium) |
12 |
Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) Database |
http://isid.org.in/ |
Database providing Indexes of 262 Indian Social Science Journals (Funded by INFLIBNET's e-Shodhsindhu Consortium) |
ELSEVIER- Science Direct (Engg. & Science) |
https://www.sciencedirect.com/browse/journals-and-books/ |
2 |
CBS Publishers |
https://eduport-global.com/ |
Mc-Graw Hill Education |
https://mcgrawhillindia.vitalsource.com/#/explore |
4 |
Pearson Education |
Taylor and Francis / CRC |
https://www.taylorfrancis.com/ |
6 |
IEEE MIT Press E-Books Library-2014 |
7 |
SPRINGER LINK – Biomedical & Life Sciences
https://link.springer.com/ |
8 |
SPRINGER LINK – Earth & Environmental Sciences
https://link.springer.com/ |
Springer e-Book collection (IST) |
Access at Library LAN only |
Bio-Technology Colletion (University Library) |
Access at Library LAN only |
1 |
NPTEL Content - Local Guru Content management System & Video Streaming (800+ Courses from 17 Departments |
Access at JNTUH Campus Network only
SHODHGANGA THESES REPOSITORY - India's Theses Repository holds 4,65,000+ theses from 718 Universities. It provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Includes 1300+ Theses from JNTUH.
2 |
NATIONAL DIGITAL LIBRARY OF INDIA (NDLI) - It provides support for all academic levels including researchers and life-long learners, all disciplines, all popular forms of access devices and differently-abled learners. It is designed to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources. |
3 |
DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS (DOAJ)- It is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world driven by a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone. |
4 |
DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS BOOKS (DOAB) - It is a searchable database of 64,500 peer reviewed scientific books that have been made accessible by academic publishers in open access. DOAB contains the metadata of free to share e-books and provides direct links to the full-text of the publications on the websites of the publishers. |
5 |
UGC-CARE CARE LIST OF JOURNALS - The UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality Journals includes journals from all disciplines indexed in globally accepted databases, such as indexed in Scopus (Source list) or Web of Science (Arts and Humanities Citation Index Source Publication, Science Citation Index Expanded Source Publication, Social Science Citation Index Source Publication). These journals are to be considered for all academic purposes. |
https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/ |
1 |
World e-Book Library |
https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in |
2 |
South Asia Archive |
(Now accessible through NDL Digital Library of India)
1 |
Web OPAC: Books Database of the University Library | Access at Library LAN only
1 |
JNTUH Library RemoteXS Cloud Platform |
https://jntuhlibrary.remotexs.in |
Access to e-Resources is available on Campus wide Registered IP Ranges only. For remote / off-campus access to e-Resources users can request for login credentials. Email us at jntulibrary@gmail.com / lalitha@jntuh.ac.in |
(Please read the Fair Use Terms & Conditions for E-Resources before downloading full text articles)
Civil Engineering (17) |
1 |
IASH Journal-International Association for Small Hydro |
10 |
Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing |
2 |
Indian Geotechnical Journal |
11 |
Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science |
3 |
Indian Highways |
12 |
Civil Engineering and Construction Review |
4 |
Indian Concrete Journal |
13 |
Highway Research Journal |
5 |
Indian Journal of Geosynthesis and Ground Improvement |
14 |
Mapan Journal of Metrology Society of India |
6 |
Indian Journal of Transport Management |
15 |
NDC-WWC Journal |
7 |
i-Managers Journal on Civil Engineering |
16 |
Pollution Research |
8 |
Journal of Construction Management |
17 |
Water and Energy International |
9 |
Journal of Structural Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering (12) |
1 |
Asian Review of Mechanical Engineering |
7 |
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering |
2 |
Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics |
8 |
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics |
3 |
i-Managers Journal on Mechanical Engineering |
9 |
JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer |
4 |
International Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering and Technology |
10 |
TERI -Journal of Resource Energy and Development |
5 |
International Journal of Mechanical and and Material Sciences Research |
11 |
Manufacturing Technology Today |
6 |
International Journal of Mechanics and Solids |
12 |
Journal of Vibrartion Engineering and Technology |
Metallurgical Engineering (04) |
1 |
Automotive Abstracts |
3 |
i-Manager's Journal of Material Science |
2 |
Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Science |
4 |
Journal of Mines Metals and Fuels |
Electrical Engineering (11) |
1 |
AARO Journal (International Association on Electricity Generation Transmission and Distribution) |
7 |
International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion |
2 |
Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences |
8 |
Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development |
3 |
CIGRE Indian Journal |
9 |
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education |
4 |
IEEMA Journal |
10 |
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems |
5 |
i-Managers Journal on Electrical Engineering |
11 |
Power Engineering Journal |
6 |
IUP Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Electronics and Communications Engineering (15) |
1 |
Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications |
9 |
IUP Journal of Telecommunication |
2 |
Electronic Devices |
10 |
i-Manager's Journal of Communication Engineering and Systems |
3 |
Electronics For You |
11 |
i-Manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering |
4 |
Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications |
12 |
ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology |
5 |
International Journal of Computer and Electronics Engineering |
13 |
ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing |
6 |
International Journal of Electronics Engineering |
14 |
ICTACT Journal on Microelectronics |
7 |
International Journal of Electronics Engineering Research |
15 |
Signals and Telecommunications |
8 |
International Journal of Electronics Networks Devices and Field |
Computer Science (19) |
1 |
Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology |
11 |
International Journal of Computer Science Theory Technology and Application |
2 |
Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology |
12 |
International Journal of Information Sciences and Application |
3 |
ISSS Journal of Micro and Smart Systems |
13 |
IUP Journal of Computer Science |
4 |
Digit |
14 |
Journal of Digital Information Management |
5 |
Current Development in Artificial Intelligence |
15 |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research and Advances |
6 |
i-Managers Journal on Information Technology |
16 |
Parallel Processing Letters |
7 |
International Journal of Distributed and Cloud Computing |
17 |
Journal of Innovation in Computer Science and Engineering |
8 |
International Journal of Computer and Internet Security |
18 |
ICTACT Journal of Soft computing |
9 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering |
19 |
Open Source You (formerly Linux for You) |
10 |
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology |
Physics (03) |
1 |
Indian Journal of Physics |
3 |
Journal of Optics |
2 |
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics |
Chemistry (05) |
1 |
Indian journal of Chemical Technology |
4 |
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science |
2 |
Indian Journal of Chemistry |
5 |
Journal of Applied Geochemistry |
3 |
Indian journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry |
Nano Technology (02) |
1 |
Indian journal of Nanotechnology and Applications |
2 |
International Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications |
Pharmacy (10) |
1 |
Advances in Pharmacology and Toxicology |
6 |
International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences |
2 |
Indian journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research |
7 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nanotechnology |
3 |
Indian journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences |
8 |
Pharma Times |
4 |
International Journal of Advances Drug Delivery |
9 |
Research and Reviews : A journal of Pharmaceutical Science |
5 |
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Formulations and Analysis |
10 |
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology |
Mathematics (04) |
1 |
Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research |
3 |
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Applied Mathematics |
2 |
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |
4 |
Journal of Ramanujam Mathematical Society |
Life Sciences (14) |
1 |
Asian Journal of Microbiology Biotechnolgy and Environmental Sciences |
8 |
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology |
2 |
Asian Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology |
9 |
Indian journal of Medical Research |
3 |
Bioinfonet - A quarterly journal of Life Sciences |
10 |
Indian journal of Microbiology |
4 |
Applied Biological Research |
11 |
International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences |
5 |
Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy |
12 |
Journal of Global Ecology and Environment |
6 |
Down to Earth |
13 |
Medicinal Plants - International Journal of Phytomedicines and Related Industries |
7 |
Ecology Environment and Conservation |
14 |
TERI: Terragreen |
Management Science (23) |
1 |
Asian Journal of Management Cases |
13 |
Indian Journal of Marketing |
2 |
Asia Pacific Journal of Managament Research and Innovation |
14 |
Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Engineering Economics |
3 |
Business Today |
15 |
Prabandhan - Indian Journal of Management |
4 |
Business World |
16 |
Journal of Rural Development |
5 |
Metamorphosis |
17 |
Journal of Governance and Public Policy |
6 |
Decision |
18 |
JIMS - The Journal of Indian Managament and Strategy |
7 |
Forbes India |
19 |
Management and Labour Studies |
8 |
Finance India |
20 |
South Asian Journal of Management |
9 |
Harvard Business Review |
21 |
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management |
10 |
IIMB Management Review |
22 |
The Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise |
11 |
Indian journal of Corporate Governance |
23 |
Vision |
12 |
Indian Journal of Finance |
Literature (03) |
1 |
IUP Journal of English Studies |
3 |
Indian Journal of Gender Studies |
2 |
Indian Literature |
Library and Information Science (05) |
1 |
DESIDOC: Journal Of Library and Information Technology |
4 |
TERI: World Digital Libraries :An International Journal |
2 |
Indian journal of Information Sources and services |
5 |
The Library Herald |
3 |
PEARL-A Journal of Library and Information Science |
General Magazines (13) |
1 |
Career 360 |
8 |
Yojana |
2 |
Competition Success Review |
9 |
Frontline |
3 |
Shine India |
10 |
India Today |
4 |
Kurukshetra |
11 |
International Journal of Yoga |
5 |
National Geographic |
12 |
Outlook |
6 |
Readers Digest |
13 |
Time Asia |
7 |
Science Reporter |
Multidisciplinary Journals (27) |
1 |
CSIR News |
15 |
Journal of the Institute of Engineering(India) Series-D MME.ME |
2 |
Current Science |
16 |
Journal of the Institute of Engineering(India) Series-E Chemical Engineering and Textile Engineering |
3 |
Defence Science Journal |
17 |
IUP Journal of Soft Skills |
4 |
Higher Education for the Future |
18 |
National Academy Science Letters |
5 |
IETE Journal of Research |
19 |
Science Technology and Society |
6 |
IETE Technical Review |
20 |
Resonance : Journal of Science Education |
7 |
IETE Journal of Education |
21 |
The Indian Journal ofTechnical Education |
8 |
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research |
22 |
University News |
9 |
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology |
23 |
Research Journal of Engineering and Technology |
10 |
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research |
24 |
Research Journal of Science and Technology |
11 |
i-Manager's Journal of Future Engineering and Technology |
25 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Indian Section - A |
12 |
Journal of the Institute of Engineering(India) Series-A CE,AE,EE,AE |
26 |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Indian Section - B |
13 |
Journal of the Institute of Engineering(India) Series-B EE,ETE,CS |
27 |
Discovery Science Magazine |
14 |
Journal of the Institute of Engineering(India) Series-C ME.PE,AE,ME |
Newspapers (07) |
1 |
The Hindu (English) |
5 |
Sakshi (Telugu) |
2 |
Times of India (English) |
6 |
Andhra Jyothi (Telugu) |
3 |
Economics Times (English) |
7 |
Namaste Telangana (Telugu) |
4 |
Eenadu (Telugu) |
Building: 45,000 sft plinth areas extended in 3 floors.
Ground floor: Circulation and Lending section, General issue books Stack Area, Reading room, Personal books & Newspaper reading room, Reprography facility, OPAC, Property counter, ramp for differently- abled users, Lift, Conference Hall with a seating capacity of 50, staff rooms, user terminals, Staff terminals, and UPS room.
First floor: University Librarian chamber, Administrative section, Journal/Serial section, Reference section, Back volumes of Journals, Thesis, ETD Lab, Xerox room, Audio Visual room, OPAC, Staff rooms, user terminals, Staff terminals, and UPS room.
Second floor: Digital Library with 48 terminals (one cabin exclusive for research scholars with 16 terminals), Server room with 5 terminals, Competitive Examinations Reference Library (CERL) with 8 terminals, Staff terminals, SC & ST Book Bank, Acquisition/ Technical Section and UPS room
Digital Library – Infrastructure |
a) IBM x3650 M4 |
2 No.s |
b) External Storage ( 4 TB) |
1 No. |
c) Dell Desktops |
70 No.s |
d) Dell Server |
1 No. |
e) Digital Camera |
1 No. |
i) Operating System: LINUX, Open Source CentOS , Windows 10, Windows XP |
ii) Database : oracle9i |
iii) Digital Library software: VTLS - VIRTUA Software (Virtual Library System), Integrated Library Management Software Solution (ILMSS) with unlimited user access for - 10 users Oracle 9i license. |
LAN is developed throughout University Library (Three floors) with CAT 6 Cable, with 4 CISCO Switches, with 24 ports each of 96 nodes and 1 Router.
20 MBPS bandwidth dedicated under the 1 GB connection for the Univeristy under NKN/NME-ICT Programme of UGC-INFONET.
A Firewall (CISCO Make) and L3-GIGA Switch (CISCO Make) are installed to protect Computer Servers to prevent the users in viewing unwanted sites, monitor and regulate all incoming and outgoing internet traffic |
Digital Library facility is available on the 2nd floor of the University Library. |
The circulation counter is equipped with 2 Nos. of Motorola LS 2208 hand held scanners for issue and return of the books. |
Surveillance system on all the three floors with 45 Nos. of IP cameras, 2 Night vision dome cameras with 2 Nos. of LED TV’s, DV Recorders with 4 TB storage capacity. 3M EM (Electro-magnetic) Library Security System, ensuring that no material leaves the Library without being properly issued /checked out. |
Photo Colour ID-Card printer was installed in the University Library to issue Photo Identity Library cards (PVC) for students, staff, and researchers. Setting-up of ETD lab and Digitization of the Ph.D theses and uploading it into INFLIBNET Shodhganga is under process. |
Circulation of Books
No. of cards issued for each UG student :2 cards
No. of cards issued for each PG student :4 cards
No. of cards issued for each Research Scholar :5 cards
No. of cards issued for each Teaching staff :10 cards
No. of cards issued for each Non-Teaching staff :2 / 6 cards
SC/ST Integrated Book Bank Scheme
500 readers seats.
Reprography (photocopying) facility.
Reference and referral service.
Abstracting and Indexing services.
Digital Library Services available on the 2nd floor of the University Library.
Photo Identity Library cards issued to students, staff, and researchers.
One conference room with 50 seating capacity, equipped with LCD Projector, 60" X 60" motorized screen.
Current awareness services (CAS)
Selective dissemination of Information (SDI),
Indexing and abstracting services
Reference services
Current bibliographic data bases
On-line searching
Document copying and CD writing
Functioning of Digital Library
Internet facility to the students, staff, and researchers for their literature search and document retrieval
Access the online journals & databases On-campus and Off-campus
Access e-books, e-lectures, & Multimedia content
Access other Library Databases
OPAC Services
Plagiarism / Similarity Checking on Ouriginal Anti-Plagiarism Software
Uploading Ph.D. theses on Shodhganga Theses Repository
Functioning of Competitive Examinations Reference Library (CERL)
Providing exclusive Books & periodicals to students preparing for competitive examinations like UPSC/Civil Services/ Group I/ IES/ GATE/ CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/GMAT etc.
JNTUH Campus Students must show their Identity Card at the Main Entrance of the University Library. Students without Identity Card are not allowed inside the Library.
Outside students including Course completed students (UG/PG) of SIT, IST, SMS, and JNTUH CEH are NOT ALLOWED inside the University Library.
All the students should take Library membership by payment of (UG & PG Rs.500/- and Research Scholars Rs.5,000/-) as Library Security deposit (refundable). Payments should be made by Challan, drawn in favour of “The University Librarian, University Library, JNTUH", Payable at Hyderabad. This library Security deposit is refundable upon completion of the student’s course at the University Library.
Outside books/ reading material/Mobile/Cell phones/ valuable items, etc. are NOT ALLOWED inside the University Library.
All the students are advised to keep their personal belongings, such as attaché cases, brief cases, satchels, bags, umbrellas, etc, books not belonging to the University Library and books though borrowed from the library but not meant to be returned to the library, shall be deposited at the Property Counter at the entrance to the library and obtain a numbered token. If the token is not returned their belongings will not be returned. It is advisable not to bring valuable things to the library and deposit them at the Property Counter.
The University Library does not accept any responsibility for any damage or loss of items/ valuable items ie., (Cash, Gold ornaments, Laptops, Calculator, Digital diary, Mobile phone, credit card, etc.) inside their bags kept at Property Counter or inside the University Library.
Smt.D.Bala Tripura Sundari |
Library Asst. |
Smt.P.Vijayasree |
Library Asst. |
Smt.T.Kalpana |
Library Asst. |
Sri.Md.Khadeer Pasha
Library Asst.
Sri. B.Suresh Chandra Prakash
Library Asst.
Sri N.Chinna Obulesh
Library Asst.
Sri J.Thara Singh
Library Asst.
Sri. V.Ramesh
Computer Programmer
Sri.B.Venkata Ramana
Sri N.Harish
Record Assistant
Sri. J.Gnana Raju
Book Keeper
Sri. B.Sravan Kumar
Book Keeper
Sri. B.Venkatesh
Book Keeper
Sri. Y.Parikshith
Book Keeper
Sri P.Venkateshwar Rao
Library Attender
Sri.G.Jussain Naik
Library Attender
Sri.E.Srinivas Reddy
Library Attender
Library Attender
Sri.G.Nageshwar Rao
Library Attender
Library Attender
Sri.E.Hanama Naik
Library Attender
Sri.G.Kiran |
Library Attender
Library Attender
(University Library Subscriptions & INFLIBNET / e-ShodhSindhu: Consortium for Higher Education Electronic Resources)
(Please read before downloading full text articles)
It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of electronic resources does not breach the terms and conditions specified in the license agreements.
The University Library & the Consortium subscribes to thousands of electronic journals and bibliographic databases for use by authorized users in member institutions. The terms and conditions for using these resources are spelled out in electronic resource license agreements with each publisher. It is the responsibility of individual users to ensure that the use of electronic resources does not breach the terms and conditions specified in the license agreements. Licenses vary from publisher to publisher; however, the general principles are as follows:
Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving a copy of search results
Viewing, downloading, copying, printing and saving individual articles
Using e-resources for scholarly, educational or scientific research, teaching, private study and clinical purposes
Sending a copy of an article to another authorized user (i.e. current faculty, students or staff)
Posting the URL to the publisher's version of the article on a class website (publisher links will allow only authorized users access)
Use of robots or intelligent agents to do systematic, bulk or automatic downloading is not permitted
Systematic downloading or printing of entire journal issues or volumes, or large portions of other e-resources is not permitted
Using e-resources for commercial gain is not permitted (i.e. reselling, redistributing or republishing licensed content)
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Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Science |
Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Science |
IUP Journal of Computer Science |
IUP Journal of Computer Science |
International Journal of Yoga |
International Journal of Yoga |